Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 28, 2007

Been A Long Time!

Let's get y'all up to speed:

Alice is now a walking/dancing machine who has had her first visit to the ER. She loves oranges and staying up late. Her vocabulary is building, but she's too shy to talk around anyone. She has SIX teeth. Let's look at some photos, okay?

Sitting on Daddy's guitar, lightly strumming, while watching Blues Clues.

We bought Alice a table and chair set at Ikea, so she'd have a place to draw, color, etc... She fell out of the chair and bumped her head, so we put those away. For now, she'll just stand at the table.

Alice makes this face when a phone rings, when the doorbell rings, or when the microwave dings. It's a ring-ding face.

Wearin' hats is where it's at.

Alice and I put the tree up. She's a good helper.

Hat? Nope. Bikini bottom. Pretty cute stuff.

Look who showed up for Christmas: GRANDPA!

Alice found my dirty "printing cap."

Sitting with Mommy, opening a gift on "Little Christmas Eve." (An Olesen family tradition.)

One of the only pics we got of her in her cute Christmas outfit. The sweater came off eventually, as she got hot.

Showing Auntie Joanna her gift, while scoping out cousin Zach's stash on Christmas Eve.

Checking out her "Brobee" figure from one of her favorite shows, Yo Gabba Gabba.

Checking out the haul on Christmas morning.

Playing her kitty piano.

A toy guitar from Grandma and Grandpa.

Alice is serious about her presents.

Dancing to the Beatles with Grandpa.

Playing with Grandma and her "Giggle and Go" garage.

Out in the snow.

Dancing in the snow.

Asking Auntie Carrie for a little help up.

Finding her stride...

Making it down the sidewalk on her own.

Had a fun time with Auntie Carrie in the snow!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Alice Mae in: "Dancing Fool'"

Alice likes to dance, and here's the proof. She also likes to make a mess.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween & More!

Well, it's been an extremely busy month. My freelance work is chugging along at 100 mph, and Jaime has stayed VERY busy with Brock White and Puny work. Not to mention, we're both trying to get ready for a big craft fair on December 1st, and I just moved printing studios. Whew! Oh yeah, and lots going on with Alice.

So, what's new? Well, she now has four (maybe 3 1/2) teeth. Two bottom/center, and two right above. Her smile is so cute. She's become obsessed with Blues Clues (a kid's TV show)...she's walking and climbing like crazy...she can do animal noises... and we've got two new words: Elmo and Dog. (Even though they sounded more like "Mel-mo" and "Du....g")

Alice loves the park, but now it's almost too cold to go out. Last time Jaime and I took her there, she made friends with a little boy (Pedro) and really enjoyed the swing.

Here she is climbing on the Stegosaurus slide thingy.

A fun bouncy ride in the Triceratops spring-ride-thing-a-ma-jig.

Mommy worried she'd get stuck under there, but Daddy wanted a cool photo. :)

Her first Star Wars toys. Daddy rules.

Having fun with Auntie Carrie durring the Vikings game last week. At least somebody was having fun.

New Elmo slippers.

Watching either Blues Clues videos or watching Vanhtha play online poker at Auntie Carries house.

A new past-time is wearing hats around the house. Good habbit to get into, since the cold days are right around the corner.

Not much there, but she still needs two brushes to get it all.

Go Vikes! (Or is that sign-language for "Blues Clues?")

Painting Halloween Pumpkins. Icky wants to help.

My little Kandinsky at work.

However, pumpkin painting requires a bath afterwards.

Alice found Mommy's new winter hat and gloves today. Looks good kiddo!

We were invited to Turman's for Halloween for pizza and trick-or-treating. Alice and Ada comparing costumes.

Alice with a slightly modified "Minnesotan" costume. Heavy sweatshirt under the bee costume.

Three amigos. Ada as a beautiful butterfly, Mae as a poodle and Alice as a bee. By coincidence, Sara was also a bee.



Riding around in her brand new car-seat. Forward facing! (Just installed today.)

Our little stinger!

Bees climb stairs?

Our pumpkin patch.

Alice's first trick-or-treat haul.

That's it for now. Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mid-October Photo Upload

Sorry for the lack of updates. Busy as usual. Here are some pics to tide y'all over...

Alice found Daddy's flask, and realized it was just a metal sippy cup. Good thing it was full of Juicy Juice! :)

She's been into "collecting" things, and wanting all of "same" types of objects. Jaime got a pic when Alice decided she had to have ALL of her bibs.

We went up north a few weeks ago to celebrate my Uncle Glen's 80th birthday. Grandma and Grandpa even flew in from Vegas for the occasion, so we all hooked up in Lancaster at Great Grandma and Grandpa's house. Yay!

At the birthday party (in a church gym/lunchroom/function room) Alice decided to put herself in danger and climb all over dangerous stuff.

Alice with Great Grandma and Grandpa.

A kiss from her biggest fan, Cousin Katey!

Giving some love to Grandma and Grandpa.

The Birthday Boy's family...Cousins Jomie, Seeto, and Faith and Auntie Phyllis and Uncle Glen.

We stopped at a Toys R Us on the way home and Alice got to try out some toys. She like the rocking horse...

And the push-trike...

...but wasn't too sure about the big moving horse.

Alice striking a catalog pose in her cute little Beatles shirt.