Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

6 Month checkup

Alice had her 6 month doctor appointment on Monday. 2 shots and a liquid vaccine, which she seemed to like. Alice weighs 14 lbs 10 oz (25th percentile) and is 25 1/4 inches long (30th percentile). She was very good at the doctor's office and only cried a little bit when she got her shots. Alice was a little crabby today and had a very slight fever, but she wasn't too bad. Now, on to the pics!

After her super fun bath

As you can see, Alice has gotten really good at sitting up unassisted

Friday, January 26, 2007

6 Months!!

Alice is 6 months old today!!

Here is what Alice did on her half birthday:

Alice sat on the bed with her pal Icky cat and pulled his fur and ears

Look, a 6 month birthday card from Auntie Liz and Uncle Skyler

Let's look at it...

No, let's eat it instead!

Alice sat up in her pack n' play and smiled and laughed and screamed

Alice tried to eat the monkey that is inside her rainforest toy

Finally, Alice did a lot of drooling. Nothing says Happy Birthday like drool!

Happy Birthday Baby!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Daddy Day Care

Spent another day with Alice today. She was good, for the most part. Got really fussy when Mommy got home from work, and went to bed early. I'm a little under the weather, so it was nice to not be at work for that reason too. I just hope I didn't get kiddo sick.

Alice's hair finally came in. It's a bit "George Washington" for me. Maybe a dye job?

"I'm not too sure about these...carrots."

Chillin' in the crib.

Like that scene in E.T.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Alice gets super excited when she sees the cats; she gets a crazy look in her eyes and kicks her legs and screeches or makes a panting sound. I think the cats are going to be in trouble in a couple of months once she starts crawling!

Alice trying to throw herself towards Nipsy



Cute pic of Alice in her Exersaucer wearing some pj's from Auntie Carrie. Unforunately, the pj's have really skinny arms (and Alice doesn't) and her hands started to turn blue, so I'm not sure she'll be wearing them again. :(

Yummy toy

Friday, January 19, 2007

Rub a Dub

Alice got a bath in her new inflatable rubber-ducky bathtub. She's a bit too small for it right now (sliding all over the place, can't quite sit-up all by herself), but we made it through. She got to enjoy SPLASHING for the first time. I think she liked it.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ok. Let's go. v2

This is the bundle for the "below 10 degrees" weather. It's topped off with a blanket over the legs, and one over the head when outside. We bought a shell thingy to put over the whole works and cover her up, and use that sometimes as well.

Snug as a bug.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ok. Let's go.

All bundled up. Ready to go. (This is a light bundle, for a 30 and above degree day.)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday Pics

Alice hanging out with her friend Nipsy. Nipsy usually stays away from Alice, but it was cold here today and Nipsy likes to snuggle....even if it is with someone who pulls her fur and tries to eat her ears.

Laughing with mommy

Some tummy time in her bedroom

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

Bath Time Pics

Hey Mommy, can I have that washcloth?

Thank you Mommy

and now I eat it! Arrrrrrr.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Camera Pics

So, the new camera works. Here's proof:

Yeah, I love my exersaucere!

Is my foot solid foods? Let's eat.

All dressed up for a trip to Har Mar mall.

New favorite toy? Old enevelope. Crinkle crinkle.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

We drove up to Grandma Olesen's house to bring in the New Year. We had to drive through a blizzard to get there, but we made it. Alice slept through her first New Year's Eve, but I think that's for the best.

However, she has been getting up in the middle of the night the last few nights. That, combined with irritated cheeks and a slight fever make us think that Alice is TEETHING. No teeth yet, but the writing's on the wall. We've also started feeding Alice rice cereal (ie: solid food). She doesn't quite have the hang of it yet, but I think she'll get it soon. She's sort of a messy eater, but so am I, so I can't fault her for that.

Yesterday I BROKE OUR CAMERA. I was taking a picture of Alice in the kitchen and the camera fell about 5 feet to the floor. The lens is completely fubar, so Jaime, Alice and I went to Best Buy today and spent some of that Christmas money on a new one. So, if you gave us cash for Christmas, thanks for the new camera!!

Solid foods....YAY!

Puttin' on some nice warm boots for the trip to Grandma's house.

Looking sort of naughty in her exersaucer.

Alice and Auntie Jenessa: Matching Outfits.

Mommy and Alice catching some extra ZZs on New Year's Morning.

The scenery on the way home from Elk River.

The pic I took right before the camera fell and went "smash."