Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 26, 2007


Wow! Four more months and Alice will have her first birthday! Yay!

I came home from work early today because I was feeling miserable. I had a headache that wouldn't go away, and a stomach ache that made me feel just sick. I don't think it's the same thing Carrie had, but after chilling out at home, and sleeping for a few hours on the couch, I felt a lot better.

Today was very warm, it got up to 80ยบ in Minneapolis. So when I got up, I took Alice to the park, so Mommy could get a break.

Sitting in the grass.

Touching a tree.

Looking around the park.

I think Alice was trying to steer with the straps.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Big Update, by Alice Mae

After Mommy and Daddy invited themselves over to the Turman's for dinner, I got to play with all these strange toys and a little girl named Mae. Her toys tasted different than mine. So I cried.

Mommy made me sit in Daddy's big chair and she took a lot of pictures of me. This is the crazy sort of thing we do while Daddy dissapears for eight hours a day.

So, there.

I go a little nuts at dinner time, sometimes. How much orange mush can a little girl eat?

America's Next Top Baby

There's something about watching the Teletubbies that makes me want to recline, take off my socks and just chillax. I think it's the way Dipsy says "Uh-oh...," or maybe just Noo-Noo.

This is me getting ready for Summer. Enough of this 10-minute bundle-the-baby-up business. I wann run free in the front yard in my diaper, and kick-back in a kiddy-pool Daddy has yet to buy me.

Daddy makes me look like the "Michelin Baby."

Mommy and Daddy FINALLY realized I can do this by myself. Spoons are for babies.

America's Next Top Baby: Cycle 2

One of my favorite things is hanging out on the bed with the cats. If only it were one of their favorite things.


Elephant-tails are a tasty treat. I saw that on Iron Chef one night. Mmmmm.

Cutest picture ever.

I love hanging out with Mommy. It's fun to drive her crazy. She thinks it's fun too...see?

Bye bye!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday, March 09, 2007

Happy Friday!!

Alice spent the first half of Friday with her Auntie Joanna while Mommy went to work. Then she spent the rest of the day playing and refusing to take a nap.

Here she is eating her starfish

And her horse

Her new favorite face

Please mommy, no more pictures!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Happy Thursday!

Having fun playing with her barn

Scrunchy nose

Silly girl

Happy Wednesday

I spent the day with Alice. She was very good for most of the day, and sort of bad for a small portion of the day. Amazingly, she took a nap w/out any prompting at 2 p.m., and slept for an hour. She was hugging her pink bunny the whole time. This is Alice waking up:

Then we spent some time on the floor with Icky.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Happy Tuesday!

Alice with her new starfish toy. Thanks Amy Jo!!

Hanging out in the pack n play

Monday, March 05, 2007

Happy Monday

This little yellow ball is the best toy ever!!

A shot with slippers on for Grandpa

Looking out at all the snow with Daddy