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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mid-March Catch-Up

Well, it's been a while. What are you gonna do? Wait patiently, and we thank you for that. I've been busy with freelance work and Jaime's been very busy with her work (2 jobs, and a new one starting any day now!), plus trying to get stuff done for the upcoming craft-fair, plus getting ready for taxes, plus selling a ton of stuff on We need to get Alice in a day-care ASAP.

Here's a few pics of stuff that's happened in the last few weeks...

If you read Auntie Carrie's blog, you'll know we enjoyed ourselves at the Children's Museum in St. Paul...especially their Sesame Street exhibit.

Alice saying "Hi" to her favorite character, Big Bird.

Bert and Ernie.

The family unit on the famous steps to Gordon and Susan's apartment building. Alice knocked on the door, and didn't want to get off the steps. Now, whenever we read a Sesame Street book that has those steps in it, Alice will get excited and point to the steps, then point to herself and make a "knocking" gesture. "Yes Alice, you knocked on that door!"

So cute...yet...

This was the night of the first REAL temper-tantrum. It all started with Alice wanting to wear that towel around after her bath, and since she was so cute, I let her. But then it was all downhill from there. She went crazy. I'll have to familiarize her with the idea of a "time out" pretty soon. (She got her first time out the next day when she went nuts in Super Target).

Playing outside as the snow was melting.

What's more fun that splashing in puddles? Nothing!!!

Alice's first snowball. She made it herself.

Cute pic of Alice at her drawing table. She loves to sit down and just color/doodle. She also likes to hide behind it when she doesn't want to get picked up.

This is super funny to me, but very annoying to Mommy. Alice will carry her step-stool into the computer room and climb up just to pound on Mommy's adding machine. She even does a little "pounding on the keys" dance. It's super funny/cute... unless Mommy is planning on working. Ha!

Ok. That's it for now. Should have more to post in the not too distant future.