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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Alice-isms: Part 1

I got out of the shower the other day, and walked to my bedroom with a towel around my waist to iron my work-shirt. Alice was up, and came into the room and looked at me, standing there in nothing but a towel. She looked me up and down, then declared, "You a naked baby!"

I asked Alice on Tuesday who I should vote for for president. Without hesitation, she said, "Elmo." I explained to her that Elmo was too young to be president and I needed to vote for someone older who had more responsibility. She thought about that for a minute then said, "Cookie Monster." I laughed, and told her if Cookie Monster was president, all he would do is eat cookies. I told her we needed to elect a person to president. She thought about that for a minute, and finally concluded that Zach, her cousin, would be a perfect president.

A quick primer on Alice's developing language:

Punchkin = Pumpkin

Cheecheedaba = Yo Gabba Gabba

Bome = Jerome

No, I want it = I don't want it

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Update

Well, Alice's wheezing wasn't any better this morning. Worse, if anything. So, we took her to an Urgi Care clinic and she got nebulized. She was a total rock-star in the doctor's office, and with the nebulizer.

She was instantly better and breathing fine, until we'd been home for over an hour, then she started wheezing again. Jaime went to get the prescription filled (the doctor had given us) and to pick up our own nebulizer.

So, it looks like Alice inherited my asthma. That sucks, but hopefully we'll be able to keep it under control. She's napping/wheezing right now while Jaime is out getting the medicine. Hopefully she'll be breathing easy when she wakes up.

Alice on her nebulizer.

Happy Halloween

What a fun week! We did some pumpkin carving, had a Halloween party at Alice's daycare, and went Trick-or-Treating. I have photographic proof of all of these things! Look!

Alice with her own pumpkin. (Or, as she calls them "punchkins".) She got to color on it with markers, while Daddy and Auntie Carrie carved the two big pumpkins. I also kept the seeds and roasted them with butter and creole seasoning. They were awesome!

Carrie and Alice talking to Grandma and Grandpa on the computer.

Alice showing Daddy what she wants in the Toys R Us Christmas catalog.

Our punchkins, all lit up.

Alice can't wait to get to her Halloween Party.

Playing with the gourd/dirt sensory table at the Halloween Party.

Playing in the water with Thomas the Tank Engine and the Scream dude.

Alice got to decorate her own cookie, and she chose the black/green frosting. Can you tell?

A little family portrait.

Alice in her full Abby Cadabby outfit, with Zach as Elmo, and Auntie Joanna trying to keep them both from running away or fighting.

The motley crew of Trick-or-Treaters. The two mermaids are Ada and Mae Turman. The rest of the kids are kids of Adam and Sara Turman's friends. Quite a bunch to arrive at your door!

After being a little shy at the first house, Alice really got into it, and was pulling me to the next house and running. She did a really good job, and had a lot of fun saying "Trick-or-Treat" and "Thank You." By the end of the night, she was wheezing really bad, but she calmed down by bedtime.

After each house she would run back to me and Mommy yelling "MORE CANDY!"

Ok, these aren't ours, but I just saw them online, and they rule. Yo Gabba Gabba pumpkins. Hope you all had a Happy Halloween too!