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Monday, March 23, 2009

March 09 Catch-Up

Got some catching up to do. Enjoy!

A while back, Jaime checked on Alice after she had been sleeping for a while, then called me into the room. Seems she had arranged all of her crib friends in a row. We both thought his was funny/strange. A few weeks later, she did it again, but was up when we checked on her, and she inserted herself into the line-up. Kooky kid.

Daddy/Alice jam session. This one went for about thirty minutes. Me on acoustic guitar, Alice rockin' the "mic stand".

Alice brings the vocals.

She's a natural.

Listen while she plays her green tambourine.

Fun in the front-yard during the last big snowfall.

She liked to ride backwards.

Sure, let her dress herself.

Pushing cousin Zach around the house. This went on for quite a while.

Strike a pose, pretty lady!

What's this? Oh yeah...a BIG GIRL bed! While she hasn't had a good night's sleep in it yet, she likes it, and thinks hat it's "cool," so that's good. Someday, she'll give up the crib and love the bed. Right?

Wide shot of the bed.

The result of the first "nap" in bed was, Alice climbed out of bed and fell asleep in her rocking chair. She had emptied her sock drawer onto her lap, and yanked her shirt down through it's neck-hole.

So, the pitfall of re-arranging the room is, I didn't realize the downfall of putting the crib too-close to the changing table. Alice called to us letting me know she needed to wash her hands. She had grabbed the bottle of Vaseline and was wiping it everywhere.

Awww cute? Right? Sheesh. Late second bath and a few loads of laundry, and everything is still slippery.