Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 18, 2006 update

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. Alice has been doing well. She still is a little confused about day and night and when she should be sleeping...she has been staying up until 2 or 2:30 the last couple of nights. Still not great, but much better than up-until- 5:00 am nights. Her face is looking a little splotchy from her baby acne, but it's looking way better than it did a couple of days ago. Poor girl.
Alice went to a baby shower last Friday thrown by her auntie's Liz (who came in from L.A.), Amy, Kate and Kate. She got a couple of cute outfits and some awesome books. Thanks aunties! Unforunately, in the rush to make sure there were diapers, and a change of clothes, and a pacifier, etc in the diaper bag, mommy left the camera on the desk at home. Oops!

Alice striking a pose on the changing table

Watching Daddy talk on the phone to Grandma and Grandpa

Talking to mommy

Snuggling with Mommy on the couch

1 comment:

Carrie said...

too bad sucky auntie carrie blew it off - she ALWAYS has a camera in her purse! sorry for not being there!!