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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Need an update?

Well, it's been a while since an update. Not a lot is happening, but time seems to be getting short to do anything but pay attention to Alice. :)

Jaime has been in and out of work the last week, and has been doing work from home. So, that means I'm in charge of Alice when I get home so Jaime can get some part-time stuff done. But then I need to find time to do my freelance, and it's getting hard...

But, the good news is, Alice's sleeping schedule is evening out. She's hard to get to sleep on time (between 7-8:30) but she has been pretty consistent on sleeping though the night. (Often 9 hours!) She's usually in bed by 10:30 p.m. I think the latest she's stayed up in the last few weeks is midnight. So, that's nice for us. My problem is, by the time I get her to sleep, I'm tired too--and usually crash right afterwards.

It'll all get straightened out eventually. Right?

Alice spent all day yesterday in Big Lake with auntie Joanna. It was the first FULL DAY of someone watching Alice, and things went well. Jaime's trying to keep up on milk-storage for these occasions, and I think she'll have no problem doing that. Alice has been fussy during the days lately, but Joanna said she was good, and alert, all day.

Anyway, today we are going to our friend's Adam & Sara's house to check out their garage/art sale (that I have a few prints in), so Alice will get a chance to see Mae and Ada again. Fun times!

Mommy and Alice sleeping on the couch when I got home from work this week.

What a cute outfit!

Fun times in the bouncy-chair with Daddy.

What I think is the cutest picture taken so far. Jaime snapped this while I was at work. Awwwww.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

hear hear on the Jaime and Alice pic! That one is just SCREAMING to be scrapped. . . or at least framed. .. .

I could do a KICK ass page with that pic!!

(. . . .goes to find the perfect paper. ... doo di doo. . . .don't mind me!)

:) love ya guys!