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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mr. Mom vs Mall of America

Today was my day with Alice. I'm currently taking two Wednesdays a month off (unpaid) from work, so I can spend more time with my kiddo. I decided it might be fun to go to the Mall of America, so we did. Alice saw the rollercoasters and Lego Land and Santa Claus. (She didn't FORMALLY meet Santa, I figured Mommy would kill me if she missed that).

Saw some super-awesome onsies at Hot Topic. Might have to go back and get one of those.

Alice went to the doctor last week because of super bad eczema. Her face was like an open sore, oozing fluid. It was gross and scary. Jaime took her in, and four days later, her skin is like new. Her cheeks are nice and smooth, and rosy today.

While there, she was weighed as well. Up to 13 lbs, 7 oz...more than twice her birth-weight. She's growin'!

Alice has also been EXTREMELY vocal and chatty lately. No words yet, but lots of reoccurring sounds. She's also laughing and starting to squeal. Her favorite joke is when Daddy says, "La." It gets her every time.

I'm compiling some video of her chatting and laughing, and should have that online sometime soon. I also brought the video camera with to the mall today, so that's coming as well.

And now...the photos!

Auntie Liz made the hoodie. So cute!

Lookin' cute, and ready to go to the mall.


She sure looks smart in her daddy's glasses!

Alice with her new favorite toy.


Grandpa Jerome said...

For Christsake, wait until you take her to the mall, you have ruined her for ever.

I am not a Mall of America person, but that is me.

Alice, you are so darn cute, I can't wait to hold you and cuddle with you.

That looks like an interesting toy, I think I would like that toy too!

I Love You Alice,


Lonny Unitus said...

it all started because i wanted to take her for a walk, and it's too cold to walk with her outside right now, so i decided to go to the mall of america, where they have trees and stuff, so it would be kind of "outsidesy" for her.

you two... :shakes head: