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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Alice Land

For the thrid time, Alice Mae made the journey to the Mall of America. The trip just happened to fall on the coldest day of the year so far (13 below zero), so extra baby weather precautions were taken. See the pic:

Alice, Auntie Carrie and I got out of Mommy's hair for a while (some much needed non-baby time), and had a nice walk around the mall, and then stopped for lunch. Alice was interested in my drink.

I then wanted to teach Alice about computers, so I took her to the only place that really matters.

Then Auntie Carrie got a photo of us. Yay.

Then we chilled at home for SuperBowl Sunday.

I tought Alice the fine art of snacking.

And rocking out.


Grandpa Jerome said...
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Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice Mae,

I know you come from hardy stock, but don't you think you should have boots on when it is 13 degrees below zero? My feet are getting cold just looking at the picture.

I Love you, Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Carrie,


Lonny Unitus said...

she's eating a nacho chip, and you're worried about boots?

trust me, her feet are fine.