Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What's Up May?

Crawling? Not yet. Not quite, but close. Alice can push herself backwards just fine. She likes to think she can get up to stand too, but she falls on her head and cries. But, any day now, we'll have a little rugrat crawling all over the place, and that scares the hell out of us.

Also, I've heard some people complain when Alice "types" her picture if it's not really her. WELL OF COURSE it's not her. She's 9 months old. I thought I'd entertain you people, but now you've spoiled it. ;)

Alice did write a few things for you all. Enjoy:

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And now, the pictures...

We have started an an early age to instill good table manners in our sweet little girl. Nice, huh?

See this? This is a little lady.

ROCKIN' OUT on the big old bass guitar.

Learning to crawl...but only backwards...and in a circle. (I drew in a line to show her path)

She needs a rear-view mirror.

Pushed herself under the futon. Yeah...she meant to do that.


Grandma said...

A little backwards??? It is genetic, sorry, Alice, you can't help it! You're Polish and Norwegian, and not enough Danish or Indian to straighten you out!

No matter, we love you anyway!

Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice Mae,

Your Grandma is silly, even Indians and Danes get a little disoriented once in awhile, now it maybe because of wine or something like that, or those baby food strained vegetables, but it's always some sort of outside source that causes us to go in circles.

We Love You Very Much,
