Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Alice Mae in: "Skillz (June 07)'"

Alice has been doing a lot of new things lately. She knows a few sign language signs (milk, give, all done/gone) and we're trying to teach her some more (bath, sleep, etc...). She's really been communicating with those lately. It's pretty neat.

She also does "So Big!" just like her Elmo book.

And she's about a day or two away from full-on crawling. You'll see in the video, she scoots around pretty good, and she's pulled herself up to a standing position a few times now. Lucky for us, when she finds something on the ground, she usually hands it right over to us, instead of putting it in her mouth. That's good, since we have tons of cat-hair dust-bunnies that hide under any piece of furniture.

She's also learning to make some new sounds, and that's pretty cool. Is she building a vocabulary? You betcha!

All that said, let's GO TO THE VIDEO!


Mama Kautz said...

WHAT?! they have a Wii AND the cutest baby I have ever seen~quote by second or maybe it is third cousin Joey who now wants to live with cousin Lonny told you LOLOL

Carrie said...

HEY! (at least you didn't get video of me boxing!!)


Lonny Unitus said...

...I will. :D

Grandma said...

I agree with Joey, Alice Mae IS the cutest baby!

Thanks for getting the video for us - it is so fun to see all the new things she is doing.


Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice, you are very talented, we really enjoyed the video.

You almost pulled yourself up, very good.
