Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 05, 2007

More Birthday Pics and Beyond!

Alice loves her new bus. It moves too fast on the hard-wood floors for her to use it as a walking tool (for now), but she love to ride it around the house and the music it plays.

Playing with her cousin, Zach.

Swimming with Zach. The "Green Swim Team" was assembled, but not all in the pool at the same time. Bummer!

Opening some presents.

The big cake!

The little, messy Elmo cake that I made for Alice. She wasn't sure what to do with it at first...

But then she got into it.

Had to put on her party-hat!

Getting messy...


The aftermath.

Party balloons!

Grandma feeding Alice post-party dinner.

The life-sized Elmo looked scary at first...

...but he's not scary! It's Elmo! Give him a hug!

A nice photo with Grandma and Grandpa before they flew back to Vegas.

I had to help Alice out with her building block toys.

Sitting in a box.

Some rare nap-time. She looks so sweet.

We had a garage sale this past weekend, and Alice was helping. It was cool and rainy most of the day, so she got to try out her rain-coat that Carrie got her.

Hanging out in the garage, on Nick and Sarah's tires.


Carrie said...

Oh my gosh! I almost forgot what she looked like when she sleeps!!!


Grandpa Jerome said...


You are the greatest.

We Love You Very Much,


Grandma said...

It was so fun to be with you for your birthday party, Alice!

Make sure your Mommy & Daddy keep taking lots of pictures because you will grow and do so much before we see you again in October.
