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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Playin' Round the House

What a clown. Alice having fun (ie: bothering) Nipsy, and mugging for the camera.

"Can you see my tooth? Kinda!"

One of Alice's new games is "close the door." She's getting pretty good at it.

"See ya later, sucker!"

A cute walking pic.

I brought Alice out on the front steps for some playtime on Saturday. She decided she'd just climb the steps...

...and hand me all the dirt on them.

Planning the next step.

Almost at the top.

Back down at the bottom. "Wassup, Dad?"

ABRA CADABRA! All our Harry Potter reading must have rubbed off on her.

Checking out a passing cyclist.

This is the "I want to go inside now Daddy" face.

1 comment:

Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice Mae,

We Love the new pictures.

We Love you too, and Mommy & Daddy and Auntie Carrie.
