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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day and Beyond

Alice has been very inconsistant with her sleep-patterns. But last night she gave us a real treat...

After spending the day at our friend's house, eating kabobs and playing games, Alice slept 5 hours straight, followed by another 3 1/2 hour stretch. Then she was good enought during the day for Jaime to get up and shower, and get ready for the day before I got home from work. What a good girl!

Tonight she's following the same pattern, so we'll cross our fingers.

Alice has also begun smiling. I'll try and capture it on film. It's rare, but every once-in-a-while, she'll look at me or Jaime (usally during out "nose beep" game) and crack a big smile. I got an ear-to-ear grin tonight when I got home from work. AWESOME.

Tomorrow we're bringing Alice to the doctor to get an ultrasound. Because she was breech for so long, the doctor's recommend that we get her looked at at 6 weeks to see if her hips are good. So far, all signs point to "good hips", so we're not too concerned. The way she kicks and "stands" when I hold her above my lap, I'm sure her hips are fine.

Alice in her cute purple outfit ready for a fun day at Grandma Olesen's house.

Some quality time with Mommy on the changing table.

Daddy's getting some "artsy shots" on the changing table.

Her new passion (or at least something that keeps her quiet for 10 minutes at a time), the bouncy-seat.

Jaime dressed her up cute for the day today.

1 comment:

Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice, you are a doll. Thank your Mom and Dad for posting these pictures for Grandma and Grandpa to see. We Love you very much,