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Friday, October 27, 2006

Goodbye Velcro

Velcro went to sleep tonight for the last time.

In the last month, Velcro had been fighting ailing kidneys. In the period of about a week and a half, she lost about 2 pounds because she refused to eat, and what she did eat, she threw up. She spent the last week with the vet, and they did a battery of things to her to make her better, but in the end...she didn't pull through.

We got to see her a few days ago, and she was looking okay. But since she wouldn't eat, she had an IV hooked up. We got to spend a nice amount of time petting her, and telling her that we loved her. At that point, the doctors had told us that if she doesn't start eating, it's the end of the road for her.

Jaime got "the call" today, and she was put to sleep somewhere around 6 p.m.

She'll be greatly missed in our house. We're both very sad that Alice won't know her growing up.

Velcro is survived by Nipsy and Icky, two of her offspring that live with us.

I was telling Jaime that I hope that some night I'm woken up by a cat stepping on my chest, or some night I'm woken up by hearing a cat scratch WAY TOO LONG in the litter box, or some night I trip over an obstinate cat that just won't get out of my way in the hallway...and I hope that's Velcro, paying us a visit from wherever she is right now.

We love you Velcro, and we miss you.


Carrie said...

I am SO sorry. Baxter just jumped up on me and gave me big kisses - cuz the tears came right when I saw Velcro's picture - I knew what this blog was going to say. Give Jaime a big hug and kiss from me. You all are in my thoughts.


Mama Kautz said...

(((((Lon, Jaime, Alice))))