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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I'm pretty sure Alice had something to do with the Vikes' win in Seattle last Sunday. :)

Alice has been pretty good lately. A little fussy, but nothing crazy. Well, sometimes.

She went with Jaime to work today. Alice was so fussy, Jaime doesn't think she got a whole lot actual work done, but she's going to try it again tomorrow. Alice's pack-and-play crib is currently at Jaime's office.

It's pretty cool that they're letting Jaime try this out. Too bad Alice isn't more cooperative. *shrug*

Alice has also been vocalizing a lot lately. I'll put another video up pretty soon of her new noises. I don't think we're too far away from a first word...but I suppose I could be totaly wrong.


Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice Mae, you are the cutest Viking Cheerleader I have ever seen. YOU ROCK!

We Love you and we can hardly wait until Christmas time when we will get to hold you and cuddle with you.

Love you all


Mama Kautz said...

OK I forgive the Vikings for kicking our butts She is TOO CUTE!!!! hmmm....I will have to find a Hawks cheer outfit now hee hee