Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Daddy Day Care

Spent another day with Alice today. She was good, for the most part. Got really fussy when Mommy got home from work, and went to bed early. I'm a little under the weather, so it was nice to not be at work for that reason too. I just hope I didn't get kiddo sick.

Alice's hair finally came in. It's a bit "George Washington" for me. Maybe a dye job?

"I'm not too sure about these...carrots."

Chillin' in the crib.

Like that scene in E.T.


Carrie said...

AWESOME! My kids just watched part of ET yesterday at school! (yes, it's part of the curriculum!) - It was the first time he was hiding in the closet - not the one where mom opens the door -but when he opened an umbrella and got scared. . . .

Anyway. .weird.


Lonny Unitus said...


whatever, grandma.

Grandpa Jerome said...


You are getting to be such a big girl, I can't wait to see you when you come to visit for spring break.

Hugs & Kisses to Alice, Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Carrie,


Lonny Unitus said...

HAPPY 1/2 BIRTHDAY ALICE! I love you!!

Jaime said...

Heh...only bad kids would do that. Buncha punks