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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

We drove up to Grandma Olesen's house to bring in the New Year. We had to drive through a blizzard to get there, but we made it. Alice slept through her first New Year's Eve, but I think that's for the best.

However, she has been getting up in the middle of the night the last few nights. That, combined with irritated cheeks and a slight fever make us think that Alice is TEETHING. No teeth yet, but the writing's on the wall. We've also started feeding Alice rice cereal (ie: solid food). She doesn't quite have the hang of it yet, but I think she'll get it soon. She's sort of a messy eater, but so am I, so I can't fault her for that.

Yesterday I BROKE OUR CAMERA. I was taking a picture of Alice in the kitchen and the camera fell about 5 feet to the floor. The lens is completely fubar, so Jaime, Alice and I went to Best Buy today and spent some of that Christmas money on a new one. So, if you gave us cash for Christmas, thanks for the new camera!!

Solid foods....YAY!

Puttin' on some nice warm boots for the trip to Grandma's house.

Looking sort of naughty in her exersaucer.

Alice and Auntie Jenessa: Matching Outfits.

Mommy and Alice catching some extra ZZs on New Year's Morning.

The scenery on the way home from Elk River.

The pic I took right before the camera fell and went "smash."


Lonny Unitus said...

the still camera. video is fine.

Mama Kautz said...

I LOVE THOSE BOOTS!! so great to get my "baby fix" looking at pics of your beautiful daughter

Lonny Unitus said...

The boots are awesome, but they don't stay on her so good. Maybe I should get out the duct tape.

Grandpa Jerome said...

I am at the Sanchez house in Marksville, LA and showed the website to Dr. Frank and Janet. Frank thinks Alice Mae should have a LSU Cheerleader outfit. So I told him to send you one for next season.

They love the pictures of Alice Mae.

I maybe going to Biloxi the week of Jan. 15th, hope it works out. This is part of my consulting job in Marksville.

I Love You All,


PS, I will send you Franks email address so he can get your address to send the cheerleading outfit.


Mama Kautz said...

there are pretty colors of duct tape LOL cold match the outfit....Lon are you guys going back to LA?? I haven't made it to Vegas yet....

Grandpa Jerome said...


I am doing a short-term consulting job in LA with no long term plans at this time.

We have no intention of leaving Las Vegas anytime soon.