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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

7 months!

Alice turned 7 months old on Monday! And she learned a new trick. Alice can now do a kissy face when you tell her to give you kisses. Or she'll repeat the kiss sound after you do it to her. So cute!

Alice has been fussy lately and super drooly. Where are those teeth?

The only Tooth she has right now is on her onesie.

Happy girl

Here is a pic of the kissy face. We will have to try to get some video so y'all can see it better

Sunday, February 25, 2007





I put about an hour's worth of work into the driveway, then our upstairs neighbor Nick told me that his buddy was coming over with a snowblower. My arms are just jelly right now. I need to take a nap. It's at least a foot.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Alice Did This Today

Alice pulled on Icky's ears and tail. Then she stuck his tail in her mouth... Now she knows why we call him "Icky."

Alice looked out the window at the snow falling. We're supposed to get 12-16" by the end of tomorrow. She watched the cars slide on the slippery roads, and was happy that Mommy and Daddy decided to stay put today.

Alice had a video conference with her friend Mae. They talked about all sorts of things including; the power of the prune, Swadlers vs. Cruisers, and the 2008 election.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday Pics

Here is Alice waving to a picture of herself on Lon's computer. She just started "waving" this past week and enjoys waving to herself the most.

Alice getting dressed up to go to Grandma's. I couldn't decide which picture to post, so I posted both of them.

Grandma has the best toys. About 1.5 seconds later, she was trying to eat the paper towels. Yum yum.

This is the face that Alice has been making a lot. Usually at daddy or when something is weird looking (i.e. Daddy has a toy on his head...that's not right!)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Toy!

New Toy!?! For Me!?!

Before Alice

After Alice

Alice thinks her new treat (Zwieback toast) is good. Just like big people food

The carrots, not so good.

Alice gave mommy a great Valentine's Day present. I woke up feeling sick and run down from this bug that I've had for like two weeks now. Alice, being the great little girl that she is, fell asleep for her morning nap with mommy on the couch with no fussing and she (we) slept for 2 hours. It was awesome and I felt much better after that. And, she was good for the rest of the day, even when I had to go into work to drop off paperwork and file. Thank you baby!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Alice Land

For the thrid time, Alice Mae made the journey to the Mall of America. The trip just happened to fall on the coldest day of the year so far (13 below zero), so extra baby weather precautions were taken. See the pic:

Alice, Auntie Carrie and I got out of Mommy's hair for a while (some much needed non-baby time), and had a nice walk around the mall, and then stopped for lunch. Alice was interested in my drink.

I then wanted to teach Alice about computers, so I took her to the only place that really matters.

Then Auntie Carrie got a photo of us. Yay.

Then we chilled at home for SuperBowl Sunday.

I tought Alice the fine art of snacking.

And rocking out.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tummy Time!

Here is Alice doing some tummy time looking at herself in the mirror. She finds herself really funny.

Alice has never been a big fan of tummy time. Usually, she will fuss and cry until I feel bad enough to turn her over.

But now, since Alice is such a clever little monkey, she just turns herself over

No more tummy time for me!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Quick Pics

Hi Daddy. See this Nipsy kitty?

Mine! I eat her!

This exersaucer is making me crazy!!