Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Baby Alice is...


This is Alice's latest trick. She learned it from her favorite book "So Big," featuring Elmo from Sesame Street. Alice also now knows how to sign "milk" and she understands what the sign for "all gone" means. Yay! Communication!


Lonny Unitus said...

If Alice looks extra shiny, that's just the butter. :)

Carrie said...

VIDEO! Get it on video! :)

Mom & Dad - it's awesome! :)


Grandma said...

Baby Alice IS getting SOOOOOO big! Butter all over the face is probably good for the eczema - I seem to recall a certain daddy glistening with Crisco about 31 years ago....


Grandpa Jerome said...

So have you tried the video yet?

We would like to see that if you can get it accomplished.

Alice, you do look so big.

Grandpa Loves you,

Carrie said...

Yeah Lonny! Put DOWN the Wii and get out the video camera!

Slowly. . .back away from the Wii!


Grandma said...

I want to see Alice do So Big!

Is the videographer too busy playing on a new Wii?????

Lonny Unitus said...

Give me a break...

Grandpa Jerome said...

What is missing from the comments about the Wii?

You don't have one do you?


Lonny Unitus said...

Yes. I have one.

No, it's not distracting me from uploading new photos of our beloved Alice Mae.

The LOST finale, that sort of distracted me...

I have yet to even SHOOT video of "So-Big" let alone digitize it, edit it, and upload it.

So, I say again, GIVE ME A BREAK.

Carrie said...

He planned to buy it with his hard earned money from the Art-A-Whirl event! It's all legit!!

:) - Now seriously. ..gets ta tapin'!


(Ps - no, your big sis was not tattling . . . I didn't even think about that!)

Grandpa Jerome said...

Well there is no sin in spending hard earned money on something you really want, so enjoy the Wii.

As far as the video, we saw both of you (Carrie & Lonny) do this over 30 years ago, in fact we taught you both to do it (So Big), I sure it isn't much different.

The main difference is it's Alice not you guys. She will still be doing this in July when we come up there.

Love You All,


Grandma said...

Happy 10 Month Birthday, Alice!

I love you,

Mama Kautz said...

grandpa she'll be a YEAR then way to old to be doin' "baby" stuff LOL shhh don't tell my boys you have a Wii they would be moving in...I guess there is a bowling game they claim they need for practice in the off season @@eye roll