Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, May 11, 2007

Quick Pics

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I have been sick for over a week now and can't seem to kick this viral yuck I have.

Daddy reading Alice her favorite book before bed. Daddy, are you sick of reading that one yet?

Alice's new favorite thing is pouring the water out of her sippy cup and playing in it.

Sometimes she just pours the whole thing in her lap.

Alice is really into making funny faces lately. This is one of the best ones she makes. Silly girl


Grandma said...

Alice, you are such a ham!!!

I hope Mommy feels better soon. Take special care of her on Sunday.


Grandpa Jerome said...

Grandma & Grandpa went to Santa Fe Station Casino today and got a really cool dolly for you.

Grandma will bring it to you in July.

I think your Mommy & Daddy will like it too.


Mama Kautz said...

Happy 1st Mother's Day!!! Alice you make such goofy faces...I love the fact mommy is teaching so early about even like the tags :) Give mommy lots of sloppy will make her feel better :)

Jaime said...

Thank you!

Heh. I was wondering if anyone would notice the Target tag. :)