Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

11 Months!!

Alice is 11 months old today!! Yikes, almost a year! She is still scooting around and has pulled herself up into a standing position a couple of times. Still no teeth, but she is getting some hair!

Alice celebrated a little early by going over to the Turman's on Sunday to hang out with Ada and her bff Mae. (And mommy and daddy ate delicious kabobs. Thanks Adam and Sara!)

Alice and Mae

Alice pulling a toy out of Mae's hands. A little too young to understand sharing.

Patio dining
Of course, like all Bff's, Alice called Mae before coming over to make sure they were wearing coordinating outfits. OMG

This was Alice's first time in a kiddie pool. She basically sat in one spot while Mae crawled all over the place and threw all the toys out of the pool and then picked them up again. Such a cutie!

Mirror image.

Alice loves the pool!

Hanging out with Ada (captain of the green suit swimming team)

Right before she took off down the hall after the cat

Talking on the phone

Silly girl!


Carrie said...

Happy 11th Month Alice!!!

Know what daddy should get you??? A POOL!!!


Auntie Carrie

Mama Kautz said...

I agree with auntie Carrie Daddy get Alice a pool hee hee

Lonny Unitus said...

We looked for a pool tonight, and didn't see what we were looking for. Tomorrow is "Daddy/Daughter Day". Maybe I'll see if I can find a pool somewhere.

Grandma said...

What precious pictures of Alice and her friends!

I just want to know who taught Alice to eat with one foot on the table??!!??

Happy 11 month birthday, Alice.

I love you all,

Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice did Daddy buy you a pool today?

I hope he did so we can play in it when Grandma and I come to visit in a few weeks.



Lonny Unitus said...

The pool is in the garage! Thank you Target!

Grandpa Jerome said...

Great, now all we have to do is pray for warm weather when we are there in a couple of weeks,

Love Grandpa

Adam Turman said...

Hey, super-duper cute pics! I love it, go green swim team! We are happy to hear Alice has her own pool now, and we would love to help her break it in sometime (as ours has been taken over by the dog). Mae misses her BFF already and wants to know when they can hang out or at least do a video conference/discussion of dog/cat food raiding when the big M and D aren't looking. She is in need of new strategies. Adam also wants you to know that we are all eating large portions of Veggie Booty and casting our fate to the wind, what's a little salmonella when you get that yummy crunch on!! xoxo-Adam, Sara, Ada, and Mae

Mama Kautz said...

K Lon make sure you get pics of Gma and Gpa playing with Alice in the pool LOL :) Target is a wonderful place!!