Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 27, 2007

1st Birthday Recap

Alice had a fun-filled 1st birthday! She opened some presents, took a trip to Costco where she ate some birthday pizza, went out to dinner at Old Country Buffet and opened more presents. She had such a fun day and was tired by bedtime that she went to bed with no fussing!

Looking at her Elmo card with Daddy.

This one is mine!

You want me to rip the paper? But, it has Elmo on it!

What the heck?

New toy!

Showing Grandpa some baby pictures

Awww. What a big girl!

Fun birthday ride in a box

Alice at dinner.

Hanging out with Cousin Zach

Mommy, get that thing away from me!

Auntie Jenessa wishing Alice a Happy Birthday

Laughing with Grandma

Opening her present from Grandma Olesen. What IS it?

It's freaking me out!

Oh, it's just Elmo!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

100th Post Photo Dump!

100 posts and almost a year later! Here are some recent photos. Enjoy!

Alice outgrew her ducky bath. Time for the big-girl bathtub!

Making faces at Elmo.

Chillin' with her pretty necklace.

Zonked out.

Proud to be a Dane (among about 100 other things)!

Pooltime with Grandma and Auntie Carrie.

Found a leaf.

The pool's pretty fun.

Making faces at Mommy.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Alice is Excited

Grandma Jerome is flying into town tomorrow and will stay with us for a week. (Grandpa flys in on Wednesday) Here was Alice's reaction:

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Homer Dome

Well, two days ago Alice decided she was an expert at pulling herself up. So, she now pulls herself up on pretty much everything she can get her hands on. She also likes climbing over things. I see "walking" in her near future.

Alice found a treasure-trove of fun stuff under Mommy's desk.

Climbing into her ducky bathtub (that she's almost outgrown!)

Justin and his girlfriend Kate were in town this weekend (they live in Fargo) for a few Twins games. We joined them for Sunday's game, the last in the series with the Oakland A's. Alice got her first look at the famous Metrodome.

A seat just for her.

This place is big!

Chilling out on Daddy's lap.

Hugs from Mommy.

"Hey, there's people up there too!"

Alice and Justin, having a moment I'm sure.

Thumbs up from Justin. Twins win!

Dun-dun dah duh da duh.... CHARGE.

Getting tired.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mid-July Photodump

Alice loves her pool so much, she has to make a crazy face!

She's even got her own patio chair. Awww!

Yet another crazy face.

Standing up in the pool.

Pulling books off the shelf from her pack 'n play. She loves David Sedaris.

Ahhhh. Summer food rules.

Alice gets some dessert too.

A wonderful table-manner, taught by Auntie Carrie.

Jaime's new favorite picture.

A proper crawl.

Daddy/Daughter Day rules.

Jeans were too tight to get around in.

Up on her knees, watching her sign language DVD.

Peek-A-Boo! In front of the new entertainment center.