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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mid-July Photodump

Alice loves her pool so much, she has to make a crazy face!

She's even got her own patio chair. Awww!

Yet another crazy face.

Standing up in the pool.

Pulling books off the shelf from her pack 'n play. She loves David Sedaris.

Ahhhh. Summer food rules.

Alice gets some dessert too.

A wonderful table-manner, taught by Auntie Carrie.

Jaime's new favorite picture.

A proper crawl.

Daddy/Daughter Day rules.

Jeans were too tight to get around in.

Up on her knees, watching her sign language DVD.

Peek-A-Boo! In front of the new entertainment center.


Grandpa Jerome said...

I believe that Auntie Carrie learn the table manners bowl trick from her Grandma, Great Grandma Jerome.

You shouldn't waste anything at the table.

Good picture though.

Love Grandpa Jerome

Carrie said...

EXACTLY!! Thanks dad!

How are you going to get all the yumminess off the plate if you don't LICK IT!!!???


Grandma said...

Again - great pictures!

It is so neat to see Alice in action - to see how she is growing and learning - not just in "posed" pictures. (But she is a real ham when she sees the camera!)

Love you,