Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 10, 2007

Early Sept Photo Dump

Riding Icky Cat. You know... like you do.


Strike a pose on the changing table.

Daddy's chair makes a great baby-walker.

Sharing nuks with cousin Zach.

"Lookit mah tooth!"

Playing in the dirt.

"This dirt tastes funny."

Helping Mommy fix her computer.

Auntie Liz was in town last week. Yay!

Peeking outside.

Tip-toes make you taller.

Little monkey likes to climb.

"Hug Me, I'm Polish" and about 30 other things. :)

Super-cute outfit.

Alice wore her new Vikings jersey and got the 2007/08 season off to a good start!

Her new obsession is watching Jack's Big Music Show videos online. She LOVES it.

Playing with Caleb on his 2nd birthday party last weekend.

Checking out a new Elmo book with Caleb and Auntie Sue.

Paige, Kyla and Caleb on his new slide.

Fun in the sand/water box.

Hiding in the bottom of the slide.

Bouncing with Auntie Carrie in the giant, bouncy giraffe.

Don't go too far away Auntie!

Alice getting a little brave.

Alice made a friend.

Standing by herself, having some apple juice.


Carrie said...

What a sweetie!!! I need to get some of these cute pics on my screensaver at work!! Yes, it's true - I'm back at work - and already miss my ALICE!!! Give her big hugs from me!!

Love you all!!


Grandma said...

Alice, you have had a busy few weeks! And you look so cute in your Vikings jersey.

Thank you for the Elmo card - Grandpa and I could feel your hug.


Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice Mae,

Thanks for the card, we really liked it.

I like your Vikings jersey, it almost looks like mine.

Love Grandpa

Mama Kautz said...

she is gonne be like 3 before I meet her. She is growing so fast!!!!