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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Officially a Toddler

Alice is walking...all over the place. Lon and I realized on Sunday that we hadn't seen her crawl once that day, and she hasn't really crawled at all this week. It's all walking, all the time!!

Things have been super busy here (thus the lack of updates). Besides walking, Alice is doing a lot of new things. She can point out all the animals in her books and make a cow sound (more like mmmm than moooo) She knows who all the people are in the pictures on mommy's magnetic board on her desk. And thanks to daddy, she can point out Luke and Chewbacca among others on the Star Wars poster in the hall. :)

Now on to the pics

Alice has started carrying Elmo with her wherever we go. She isn't so good at holding on to him sometimes and he has been run over by the cart at Target and the stroller a couple of times already

Having fun in the sand last Daddy-Daughter Wednesday

Modeling her Evil Alice Corporation shirt

A couple of pics on her bus, which she sits on all the time.

Crossing the bridge at the park


Cute kitty shirt from Amy Jo and finally fits!

Giving the cat a hug

Playing with her baby doll. She gives the doll the bottle and makes a sucking sound. It's super cute!!

Feeding herself strawberry applesauce...yum!

Helping mommy by putting her jacket on herself

Action shot pushing the highchair

Most of the pics taken in the past few days are similar to charging towards you too busy to stop

Lounging in her totally 80's outfit


Grandma said...

Alice, you are growing up way too fast!

Grandma & Grandpa will be waiting at Great Grandma & Great Grandpa's to hug you tight.


Grandpa Jerome said...

We can't wait to see you on Friday night at Great Grandma & Grandpa's.

See you on Friday,


Mama Kautz said...

I am so jealous I won't get to see you are growing up way too fast...tell mommy and daddy it's time for a little brother :) :::ducking:::

Carrie said...

I check every time I'm on the computer!! And already there are three comments!! (well - to be fair - I was WAY sleeping by the time these west coast folks commented)

Awesome update - LOVE the outfits - especially the brown one - with the brown shoes. . .

And of course - in the cute dress whilst feeding her baby!!


Mama Kautz said...

Carrie~I noticed those adorable brown shoes too....need to get myself a pair! Have fun this weekend you guys!

Carrie said...

Look at these comments! Katey was just DYING to tell us!!