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Monday, January 14, 2008

Can I Has Playtimes Now?

Alice loves to play. She loves to play, A LOT. It's a good thing, but it makes it hard to keep up with her, and to keep her on schedule for bedtime. Her personality is really coming out lately, and she's sort of a "stinker." I think she gets that from me.

Here's Alice rocking out to RockBand. RockBand is my latest video-game splurge. Heard of Guitar Hero? It's like that, but it doesn't stop with guitars. Add drums and vocals to it, and you got the idea. Anyway, Alice really likes to hit the skins. Good girl!

She's also taken an interest in the guitar. She'll pluck away at it and laugh. Maybe someday she can teach Daddy how to play it.

Alice has discovered the remote control for Daddy's computer. I had sort of forgot that it even existed. She now has control over the music, and won't hesitate to pause, play or fast-forward through the Beatles, until she gets to her favorite songs...then it's TOTAL DANCE PARTY.

Try on Daddy's shoes? Why not? She even took a few steps.

This is Alice tonight. About 15 minutes after her bedtime. Just hanging out, playing, laughing, crawing on stuff. It's been about two weeks now where she won't go to bed without a fight. Then I gotta rock her, then Jaime has to rock her. It's a big to-do. Hope she's almost over it... or it has something to do with her new teeth (I've lost count!). Allright everyone. Have a good week!


Grandpa Jerome said...

She absolutely comes by this honestly for your information.

I can remember 2 young children that would have stay up all night had not someone finally got pissed and forced them to go to bed.

Enough said.


Jon N. said...

Keep on Rockin' in the Free World!

jb said...

we need an ALice fix - time to update :)