Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 12, 2008

January already?

Hi! So, it's been awhile since I've updated the blog. Work (and then being sick for two+ weeks) kind of took over my life for a while there and things like updating the blog (and cleaning the house) kind of got put on the side burner.

Anyway, Alice is doing well. She pretty much avoided the sickness that Lon and I both got (and couldn't get rid of) so that is good. Our house has been taken over by toys from Christmas, so Alice is loving that. She also likes to take ALL of her books off of her bookshelf in her room and bring them into the living room to look at them in her Elmo chair. I think she'll be an early reader. She is still not much of a talker, she says ma ma and da da and a couple other things and has said words like "grandma" and "Carrie" and "thank you" but won't repeat them when you ask her to. She likes doing funny dances and funny walks, so she keeps us entertained! Now, on to the pics!

Pushing her socks around in her new baby stroller. Like you do

Rocking out with her kitty keyboard that Santa brought her

She still loves putting on hats. Here she is getting ready for a night out on the town

Wearing her bib like a cape while getting Bert ready for a ride in the stroller

Looking cute in her outfit from Grandma & Grandpa

New Yo Gabba Gabba toys. She loves this show!

This is the face she makes when you ask her to take out her pacifier and smile for the camera

This is a new game that Carrie taught her ( I think) where she crawls and roars like a lion. I was trying to crawl ahead of her to get some pics, but she is too quick (or the camera is too slow). Also, notice the drool...I think we have more teeth coming.

Sitting on the couch with the Boppy

Playing with Zach's piano during his party today

Dad, you let me out of here right now!

Today was cousin Zach's 1st birthday party. He LOVED his cake. He started out picking up the frosting with his hands, but decided it would be more efficient to just stick his face right in it. Heh. Happy Birthday Zach!!

And here is the after picture. Alice saw Zach with the cake/frosting all over his face and was very concerned (she furrowed her brow and everything). I wish I would have taken a picture of her because it was really cute.


Carrie said...

I see Baby Legs! :)

Mama Kautz said...

cute! Zach is a boy after Joey's own heart~food! LOL