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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Accessorize, Organize, Disorganize

Hey everyone! What's new with Alice? Well, a lot. She's very into being a "ham" right now. (I told Jaime we should have named our kid "Hammy.") She'll do what she can to make us laugh, then she'll laugh herself, and cover her mouth (something we think she picked up from one of her picture books). She also LOVES to dress-up. If she finds a hat, or a headband, or some gloves, or a's going on.

Alice's bedtime routine is still a bit out of whack. I think it's just a real want to stay up later and hang out/play, plus I think the popping of (11!) teeth has something to do with it. That's right, she has over half of her baby-teeth. Crazy.

Ok. On to the photos.

Alice took a break from getting dressed to remove all of her pajamas from her dresser. This happens almost daily.

Trying on Mommy's boots. She actually managed to walk around the kitchen for some time like this.

Mommy grabs some cuddle-time (even if Alice is transfixed on the TV).

Making some calls, while taking care of her baby.

Daddy's hat and gloves? No problem.

On "Daddy/Daughter Day", while Daddy had to use the bathroom, Alice decided to get some crackers out. I cam back and found this.

Trying on her backpack.

Jumping up on some of Mommy's new storage drawers.

When he weather reached 20 degrees, we figured it was okay to venture out. Alice loves going outside.

She walked about two blocks down our sidewalk, and would have gone more, if I didn't grab her and carry her home.

Mommy even made us hot-chocolate when we got inside.

Bee antennae? Check. Mardi Gras beads? Check. Time to push the stroller around.

All dressed up on Superbowl Sunday. Alice started hopping around like a bunny. It was super cute.

Mid hop.

Alice brought me all her Sesame Street dolls, then insisted on joining me on the futon.

From the most recent Daddy/Daughter Day at Barnes & Noble.

She finally fits in her cute pink skull sweater! Yay!


Carrie said...

LOVE the crackers story!! :) You know she just had this little plan/idea . . and was like "dum de dum de dum" as she got out the crackers and arranged them where she wanted them! :)

See you tonight!

Salmon Dinner!! YUM!

Grandpa Jerome said...

Thanks for the Great update, we will be videoing with you soon.

Mama Kautz said...

LOVE THE CRACKERS how funny she had them in little bowls probably sharing with her Sesame Street peeps LOL

jb said...

ahhh the good ol days! What fun

Grandpa Jerome said...

Happy Valentines Day!

Alice, Mommy & Daddy,



Heideldy Deideldy said...

Looks like Alice will be a GREAT Party Planner! I LOVE the pictures! Cousin Heidi