Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February Fun Stuff!

Alice coloring at her table.

A new trick. She'll actually smile when asked to "smile" for a photo. Alice's first fake smile with Auntie Carrie.

Baby in a box.

Wake-up crib-dancing.

Hiding behind her box.

Peek-a-boo from inside the box.

Cute dress. (a la Minnie Mouse)

Checking out outside.

Dinner at Applebees with cousin Zach.

Trying on a clip-on earring.

Broken lamp-hat.

Alice showed us she can draw circles. She also draws cats...we know this because she meows while she doodles.


jb said...

that fake smile is AWESOME - sign her up for ANTM (Lon - ANTM is code for Americas Next Top Model )

Lonny Unitus said...

Hey! I knew that one! ;)

Grandpa Jerome said...

Love the smile, also the box, that is the best toy you could get for her.

The hair is starting to look red or is that the flash of the camera causing that?

Thanks for the posting,


Grandma said...

Great pictures! Doesn't matter what color the hair is - she has hair :)


Carrie said...

GEEZ!! I'm offline for ONE day and look what I miss!! :)

Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me tonight! I didn't get a "CA-RRIE" but I got birthday hugs and kisses!!


Mama Kautz said...

love the box! best toys ever

Heideldy Deideldy said...

TOTALLY Love the fake smile picture! She is so freaking cute and has an awesome personality! Tho she is a Jerome so who would think anything less right?

Carrie said...

UPDATE!?!?!?!? I know she's done cool stuff in March for crying out loud!! She said "Grandma" - c'mon!! Blog! :)