Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 21, 2008

Busy Busy...

More new pictures coming soon...we have been busy with work and getting ready for the Craftstravaganza this weekend.

Alice looking cool and chilling out in her car seat

Silly smile


Mama Kautz said...

A MONTH!! I was having WITHDRAWLS!! another month and I would have had to FLY out there!! :)

Grandpa Jerome said...


Why won't you do your silly smile for Grandma & Grandpa when we video with you on Sunday's?

Nice pictures,

We Love You All,


Grandpa Jerome said...

How was the first day of day care? and did you get any pictures?

Blog'em if you did.

Love you all,


Carrie said...

Daycare Blog! Daycare Blog!! :)