Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thanksgiving/Christmas and more!

Hi peeps! Long time no blog. Well, deal with it. We've been busy. :) The following 35 photos should catch y'all up.

Alice likes to build tall towers out of her blocks. Then she knocks them down. It's good to see at this young age, she's not shy about achieving a goal, then moving on to the next goal. Good for her!

As part of super-fun Saturday, Carrie and I took Alice to the Metrodome for the high-school football playoffs. Kitson County was playing, so we knew about half the people there. My friend Justin (from Fargo) even came down with his wife and kid to watch his youngest brother play.

Then is was off to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. Carrie had made the promise, and Alice would not forget, so a "just for fun" trip was just that: fun. Alice had a good time playing games and eating pizza. She's not quite big enough for all the games/rides yet, but almost!

Cool shades.

Here are Alice and her cousin Zach on Thanksgiving. Aren't they sweet?

Alice even had time to visit us at our annual No-Coast Craft-o-Rama craft fair. On the second day of the fair she spent the day with Bob and Sue (my Aunt and Uncle) and had a great time. She loves going to Bob & Sue's house.

Jaime's booth at the craft-fair.

Alice shows us the proper way to finish off a bowl of chocolate ice-cream.

Trimming the Christmas tree.

Alice puts the star on top.

She looks pretty excited for Christmas time.

My folks came into town a few weeks early for Christmas, so Carrie hosted a cabbage roll and pierogi making party that the Nordin and Jerome kids came out for. I set up Rock Band for the kids, but it was a little too advanced for most of them. Alice still gave the drums a try though.

Grandma Jerome and Alice rolling out dough.

More dough rolling after Jaime ran home and got Alice her apron.

Looking sly as she opened presents a few weeks early.

"Hey, thanks for all the toys and clothes and stuff, but I prefer this box."

Grandma and Grandpa Jerome took Alice to see Santa at Rosedale Mall.

Alice shows off her new dress from Grandma and Grandpa.

Carrie and I gave our new snowblower a go after we got about 6 inches last week.

Zach hamming it up at Christmas in front of the newly engaged Jenessa and Matt.

Alice and Uncle Jerry exchanging glances before Jerry unleashed his annual pesent-draw on us. (I got a set of four Ramones CDs, Jaime got an REM CD, and Alice got Finding Nemo on DVD!)

Opening her big present from Grandma Vicki, a DOLL HOUSE!

Everyone opening presents.

Jaime pretending to be surprised with the Vikings hoodie she helped pick out.

Christmas really takes it out of you.

Alice and Zach in their jammies, ready to go home.

Look what Santa brought!

Alice getting her first peek at what Santa brought her.

Opening some present in Mommie's lap.

Playing with her doll-house for the first time.

Mommy watching Alice play.

Alice, decorating.

"Oooooh! Another box!"

Carrie and Nipsy get some quality couch time.

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