Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Superbowl and the Zoo!

Alice loves helping out in the kitchen. We put her on "potato scrubbing duty" last week when Mommy made some delicious "porcupine meatballs."

Playing with balloons at Josh's Birthday party last weekend. Zach was going nuts!

Birthday boy with Zach waiting for some homemade blueberry cake (it was great!).

Alice liked the cake!

Zach too!

Alice and Zach spent a lot of time playing in Zach's crib. They didn't want it to end.

I don't remember what was going on here, but there was a lot of running back and forth, and laughing.

Today we went to the Minnesota Zoo. Here's Alice and Mommy checking out some Arctic Monkeys.

After watching the shark swim by a few times, Alice let me know..."No, I like fish."

Alice with Auntie Carrie.

Alice in the Jungle with Daddy. Alice thought the Jungle was very smelly and covered her nose for most of it.

Alice and Carrie looking for some exotic birds.

Looks like Alice didn't want to get this close to the Leopard.

Russian brown bears.

Having lunch before we left.

Carrie and myself enjoying our lunch.

Alice "I can see you!" through her onion ring. A fun time was had, and we even solved a mystery of a song Alice sings at Daycare (she saw the book that is tied to it in the gift shop!), but nap today, so she's getting kinda grumpy tonight. Maybe she'll go to bed early, right?

Riiiight! :)

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