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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Swimming/Hunter Girls '09

Well, we had fun last weekend up in Detroit Lakes at the annual Hunter Girl's Reunion, but we forgot to take any photos, except for some swimming pics and a a Great Grandkids photo. Enjoy!

Carrie took Alice into the pool while I made a last second run to Wal-Mart for a suit and a floaty toy for Alice.

Alice enjoyed dipping her toes and her body into the warm whirlpool.

Playing with a "water worm" thingy.

Am I making boaty noises? I think I might be.

Alice's new suit!

In the kiddie pool.

All of the great grandkids.

Alice, distracted by the TV.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Great pictures - but we miss seeing the pregnant mama, too.

Looks like Alice thoroughly enjoyed the pools.

Love you all,