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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Penelope's Baptism

Alice watching the Choir rehearse before the service.

Alice rubbing Mommie's tummy, saying hello to little brother.

Carrie and I are Penelope's Godparents, so we had to help out with the ceremony.

Alice helping with pictures.

Proud Pappa Bongo.

Alice, Carrie, Lon, Penelope, Jaime

Auntie Michele holds Penelope.

Alice gives it a short, awkward, but enthusiastic try.

Godmother Carrie and Penelope.

Alice and her new best friend, Uncle Carl.

Como Town

My pal Justin and his family (Laura and Peter) were in town last weekend for the Twins/Brewer's game. We met them on Sunday and checked out Como Zoo and Como Town. I didn't even know about Como Town, but it's a mini fair place with rides and the whole shebang. Alice didn't even care about the lions, penguins and giraffes we were seeing...she just wanted to ride the we did.

Here comes the train!

We were first in line, and Alice picked the Caboose to sit in. It was a bit tight for Daddy, but we managed.

I imagine she'll have the same expression on her face when she gets her license at 16.

Riding the tea-cups with Daddy. Yup. She's ready for Disney.

Spring Fun Part 2

Sizing up the sprinkler.

Carrie shooting hoops.

This looks a little low and too the left.

Getting her courage up.

Drying off with a little help from "sunny sunny."

Ready for round 2, now armed with sunglasses and deflated floaties.

Climbing the plastic "rope ladder" at Totem Park.

Suspension bridge? No problem.

Alice is getting pretty good at working the camera.

Descending the apparatus.

Time to climb!

Had fun, but now she's ready for the bike ride home.

Flying her Spiderman kite in the backyard. Yes, I noticed the powerlines, and we no longer fly the kite in the backyard.

Doing a little dance after trying on Daddy's socks.

Party at Kindercare!

The whole family headed out for Kindercare's Spring party. Here's Alice dragging Mommy and Auntie Carrie across the parking lot.

Having fun in the jumpy thingy.

Ice cream? You bet!

Alice showing off on one of the school's trikes.

Catching some air!

Alice loves face-painting

Especially when it's Elmo.

Spring Fun

This photo may explain why Jaime and I often call Alice "little monkey."

Trying on a new hat.

Alice came home from daycare one day with two pigtails. It was the cutest thing. She won't let us put them in for her again.

Helping Auntie Carrie water the lawn.

She did eventually realize how fun it was to spray Auntie Carrie and Daddy.

Alice making a cheese quesadilla.

Flip it over!

A pretty double rainbow right in front of our house after a spring rain.

Alice's tulip that bloomed in the front yard.

Easter 2009

Kicked off Easter this year the same as last: Painting eggs! Alice is getting ready here in her apron.

I'm just following orders here, as my hands are steadier than Alice's.

After we colored them, we drew on them with markers and put stickers on them. Fun!

Alice on Easter morning, after finding her basket of goodies, and a cool stir-fry toy set from the Easter Bunny.

Alice running through cousin Cheri's backyard looking for eggs.

Found one!

Still looking. Eventually found them all with help from Mommy, Daddy and her aunties Joanna and Jenessa.

That night (April 12th) when we got home was Alice's first full-night's sleep in her big-girl bed. She's been out of her crib since.

A very pregnant (29 weeks), very happy Jaime talks to her friend Liz on the phone, congratulating her on her new baby girl, Melody.