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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Easter 2009

Kicked off Easter this year the same as last: Painting eggs! Alice is getting ready here in her apron.

I'm just following orders here, as my hands are steadier than Alice's.

After we colored them, we drew on them with markers and put stickers on them. Fun!

Alice on Easter morning, after finding her basket of goodies, and a cool stir-fry toy set from the Easter Bunny.

Alice running through cousin Cheri's backyard looking for eggs.

Found one!

Still looking. Eventually found them all with help from Mommy, Daddy and her aunties Joanna and Jenessa.

That night (April 12th) when we got home was Alice's first full-night's sleep in her big-girl bed. She's been out of her crib since.

A very pregnant (29 weeks), very happy Jaime talks to her friend Liz on the phone, congratulating her on her new baby girl, Melody.

1 comment:

Lizzie D. said...

YAY! You look beautiful Jaime!