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Saturday, August 01, 2009

There's a New Boy in Town!

On June 30th, 2009 at 8:50 a.m., Lon Alan Jerome III was born.

He was 8 lbs, 1 oz and 20" long.

He entered the world screaming.

Meeting Mommy for the first time.

I think at this point he wasn't screaming, but his mouth was stuck that way. :)

Checking his vitals.

Proud big sister and auntie look on.

First bath.

Alice can't wait to hold him!

First nap!

Meeting Mommy again on better terms.

Alice finally gets to hold her baby brother.

And kiss him.

Alice even helped me hold him.

Swaddled up.

I think it was night 3 in the hospital that we decided to let Alice stay with us. Jaime says "Never again."

Alice goofing off with some doctor's gloves.

Lonny getting his picture professionally taken.

As long as it was all set up, I took a pic too.

Alice giving some love...

...and snapping a photo.

All in all, it was a different experience this time around (some for better and some for worse), and we're so glad to be home.

1 comment:

Lonny Unitus said...

On my end, all the photos aren't loading. Hrm....