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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Alice and Her Little Buddy

Just a few quick pictures of Alice and Lonny together. Alice insists on picking him up sometimes, which is a little worrisome since he weighs 14 lbs! Oh yeah...2 month appointment 13 lbs 13 oz (90th percentile) and 23.5" long (69th percentile)...he is a big boy!

Lonny thinks Alice is pretty cool

He looks a little worried...

I think Lonny was "talking" to Alice here

Photo shoot

Lonny looking at Mommy, Alice looking at ??

Say hello to my chubby little friend

Alice in her Baby Legs legwarmers. They used to cover her entire leg! She is getting so big!


Carrie said...

Yay for new photos!! :)

Hello little chubby friend!!


Heideldy Deideldy said...

I second that Carrie!