Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

10 weeks

Alice is 10 weeks old today!

The last couple of nights have been a little rough, as Alice has decided she doesn't want to go to bed early anymore. It has been after midnight the past two nights before she has fallen asleep. Not as bad as the 3 or 4 a.m. nights, but we had gotten used to the earlier bedtime. It was nice being able to get some stuff done around the house (or freelance work in Lon's case) at night. Maybe she'll be good tonight? My fingers are crossed.

Alice has discovered her hands and has started to suck her thumb, which is a good thing since she tends to spit out her pacifier as soon as we get it into her mouth. This is especially helpful when she is in her crib trying to fall asleep. She is able to soothe herself and even fall asleep on her own sometimes.

Alice is also starting to become very vocal. Lots of coos and new sounds, even a screechy sound today. Alright, on to the pics!!

Entraced by the flashing lights on her Pack n Play toy

Sucking her thumb and posing for the camera

Looking cute and smiley in her green kitten outfit. Too bad mommy cut off her head in the picture. :(


Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice, you are so darn cute. Now if you could only get your nights and days straight. If you came to Grandma & Grandpa's house, we could handle that. You should think about your nukie, though, it helps the formation of your jaw and promotes straight teeth, look at your daddy, he didn't like the nuke either, but he didn't suck his thumb.
Alice we love you and know you will work on sleeping at night.

We Love you,


Jaime said...

Christmas is coming up you know. I'm not sure that they sell the ice cream dress in your size, so maybe I'll get you this