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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Alice Mae in: "Viva! Las Vegas'"

Long overdue video from our trip to Vegas last April. Enjoy!!


Carrie said...

AWESOME. . and totally WORTH the WAIT!

LOVE YA! Miss you guys this weekend!

Lonny Unitus said...

Thanks. I was in a video editing mood tonight. Peep the other new video.

Sorry we didn't stop by. When you called, we had just sat Alice down for dinner, then it was our dinner, then bath-time, then milk, then know the routine.

Mama Kautz said...

OH MY GOSH too cute I had no idea my Uncle Lon could sing and dance so well....such talent. Peek a boo grandma too cute!!!!

Grandma said...

Las Vegas was a fun trip - Alice told me she wants to come back soon!

When in the world did Grandpa & I dance in the garage???

Great editing job - keep it up!

I love you all,

Grandpa Jerome said...

Excellent, it was worth the wait. I am pretty sure Alice said she can't wait to come back, so when will that happen?
