Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Day 1: Recap

It all went so fast.

We left the house at about 6 a.m. Before that, I snapped one last (fully clothed) pic of "Pregnant Jaime." I knew she'd be a completely different woman in a few hours.

After checking in, we spent the first hour of them morning in a prep room, where Jaime was hooked up to a heart monitor, a heart monitor for the baby, her blood was drawn, and her IV was put in. This was all, apparently, shocking.

I was then outfitted with a cool DEVO costume. I was thrilled.

We were then whisked away to the operating room. Well, Jaime first, alone for 15 minutes or so (she'll no-doubt recount the tail of how the OR went from calm to filled with folks in scrubs scurrying about and sticking stuff all over her when she gets back to a computer), then I was allowed to join, right before the major incisions were made. Here's a pic of Jaime smiling, and a pic of what she wouldn't be smiling about if A: she could see it, and B: she could feel it.

Alice Mae Jerome was then born at 8:55 a.m. on July 26th. We got a quick glimpse of her, then she was taken to a table on the other side of the room where she was being cleaned off and checked. I was called over to "trim" her cord.

Then, Mother and baby were united for the first time.

Jaime and I were then seperated. I was brought into the nursery with Alice, while Jaime was stiched up, and put into recovery. This lasted for a while. In the nursery Alice was checked, rechecked, bathed, etc... Her auntie Joanna and Grandma Olesen were there to watch it all (through a window). It was here I was introduced to Alices (now famous) "Pouty-Face." This was some quality Daddy/Baby time.

Jaime and baby were reunited in the recovery room, then we all went up to our regular room. Jaime is feeling super good (considering), has been up walking and going to the bathroom. She was back on solid food within two feedings, and Alice has been an angel. She's been good with breastfeeding, has slept a lot, and has only cried/fussed a little. I hope that continues. We've had a lot of phone-calls and visitors, and appreciate them all. I'll write more (much more) when I have more time. I've got to run soon, and get back to the Hospital. Here's my favorite photo so far...I took it this morning (Day 2). Mom and baby. What else needs to be said?

PS: If there are any wonky spacing or spelling issues in this post, I'll edit them later. Gotta run!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Today's the Day!

So, four hours of sleep isn't quite enough...

Jaime got two.

I'm up, and showered, and am packing up stuff to bring to the hospital for our 3-4 day stay. It's really hitting me this morning-what's about to happen-and it's a bit overwhelming. Now I know what Jaime's been going through for the last eight months.

Jaime's in the shower right now, and we'll be leaving the house in about 35 minutes. The next post will have pics of the baby, and lots more. It will probably come on Thursday. In the meantime feel free to send positive thoughts our way.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

3-D Computer Magic

We are now four days from the birth of our first kid. Modern medicine has told us "it's a girl." If this is not the case on the 26th, we will turn our backs on doctors and medicine and stock up on leeches. (Or not.)

Anyway, here's the latest pic we have of, what I'll call, THE BESTEST CHILD IN THE WORLD. It's a crazy 3-D photo, so you can actually see what she looks like.

Most of the nursery is ready, the house is not. I've had the flu for the last FOUR! days, so I haven't been able to help out, and Jaime is on bed-rest. So...lots of work in the next few days, if I feel up to it. (And I better feel up to it.)

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Our baby blog will begin shortly.