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Saturday, July 22, 2006

3-D Computer Magic

We are now four days from the birth of our first kid. Modern medicine has told us "it's a girl." If this is not the case on the 26th, we will turn our backs on doctors and medicine and stock up on leeches. (Or not.)

Anyway, here's the latest pic we have of, what I'll call, THE BESTEST CHILD IN THE WORLD. It's a crazy 3-D photo, so you can actually see what she looks like.

Most of the nursery is ready, the house is not. I've had the flu for the last FOUR! days, so I haven't been able to help out, and Jaime is on bed-rest. So...lots of work in the next few days, if I feel up to it. (And I better feel up to it.)


Carrie said...

I'm soooo ready!!! All my friends are sick of me counting down!! Four days! Four days!

Grandpa Jerome said...

Great site, now it's less than 24 hours.