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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Today's the Day!

So, four hours of sleep isn't quite enough...

Jaime got two.

I'm up, and showered, and am packing up stuff to bring to the hospital for our 3-4 day stay. It's really hitting me this morning-what's about to happen-and it's a bit overwhelming. Now I know what Jaime's been going through for the last eight months.

Jaime's in the shower right now, and we'll be leaving the house in about 35 minutes. The next post will have pics of the baby, and lots more. It will probably come on Thursday. In the meantime feel free to send positive thoughts our way.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I was thinking of you guys when I was out with the dogs at 6am! You guys are THERE! Right NOW! Like it's going to happen in like TWO hours!!!

I will see you soon!

Much Love!