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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

1 Hour of Sleep

That's roughly what Alice and Jaime got last night. So Jaime asked me to stay home with them today so she could get some zzzs. So, I did.

Alice slept from just before 8 to almost 11. She had to make up that nightime stuff somewhere, huh? That gave Jaime some nap time, then she got a shower in. Now she's at work, talking about what's next with her career. I have a feeling we'll be a one-income family later on today.

Now I need to catch up on sleep!

1 comment:

Lonny Unitus said...

Make that 8 in the morning to 11 a.m.

Also, it looks like Jaime will stay on with Brock White in some part-time capacity. More info later as it develops!