Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

2 months old!!

Time has flown by...Alice is two months old today!

The last couple of weeks have been pretty exciting. Alice is starting to smile a lot, which is just the cutest thing ever. She also had her first scream-free bath. There was a little crying at the end, but no turning-red-in-the-face from screaming. Yay! A lot less stressful for mommy and daddy.

Also, last Friday was the first night she slept in her crib. The cradle was getting a little small for her, so we figured it was time. So far the crib sleeping is going well...although she is still a little confused about her bedtime. (no Alice, it is not 2 a.m.)

Alice had her first sleepover on Saturday night. Daddy was in Fargo playing a reunion show with his band, so Mommy and Alice spent the night at Grandma Olesen's in Elk River. Alice, in true sleepover fashion, stayed up way too late. But Grandma and Auntie Jenessa helped mommy try to get her to go to sleep (which she finally did at 3 a.m.)

Alice's new toy. The star plays music and has flashing lights. Alice finds it mesmerizing.


Kami said...

You don't know me, but I am part of the Jenerals Gang. Angie Flaten sent me a link to your blog saying I should check it out! Glad I did, I love it! It got me really excited for what's to come (I'm due in 5 1/2 weeks). Your blog is fabulous and a great tribute to Alice. She is adorable, and you look great. Anyway, thought I'd pass along my thoughts after viewing your blog.
Kami Fisher

Jaime said...

Thanks Kami! And congrats!