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Friday, September 01, 2006

Date Night

Well, the Ren Faire was brief, but fun. I grabbed a turkey leg, Jaime had some chicken, and Alice had a very bumpy ride on the grass & wood-chip path. I think we're a few years away from her really being able to appreciate something like that. Anyway, we snapped this shot after a quick tailgating baby-changing party. Doesn't she look happy?

When we got home, I fed her. I think she liked that.

Here's a pic of Jaime trying out the Baby Bjorn. She says she wore it around the house today with Alice in it, and she was able to get a few things done. So, that's good.

Thursday we decided to take Carrie up on her offer to babysit for us, and we took in a movie. Carrie and Alice watched some Vikings pre-season football, and when we came home, it looked like Carrie had everything under control.

Alice still doesn't have her days and nights figured out. Some nights we have her asleep by 10, some nights she keeps us up until 4. (Well, Jaime...not me. I need to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for work).

Alice is also currently bridging the size-gap between diapers. She's a little too big for the newborn size, and a little too small for the step-up size. We've had the next size up diapers on her for a few days, and she just peed out the leg-hole tonight and all over my shirt. I think we'll try and stick with the newborn size for a little while longer.

We've got a few plans this weekend. A trip to Elk River to hang out with Grandma Olesen and the fam, and a trip to the Turman's on Monday, for some baby-bonding and BBQing. The Turman's have two daughters; Ada, who's recently turned 2 and Mae, who was born about a month before Alice. We'll do all we can to make Alice and Mae "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER."

Look for more pics after the weekend.

1 comment:

Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice, you are the best, we really Love you and wish we could be closer to you so we could see you all the time. But we will spoil you from afar. Carrie, you do such a good job with your neice. We Love all of you, Alice, Carrie, Lonny and Jaime.
