Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More pics

Alice hanging out with mommy. Check out the chubby little arms.

Alice taking a nap with daddy.

Modeling her Lil Tuffy onesie. Thanks Dale and Amy Jo!



Grandpa Jerome said...

Thanks for the pictures, I had to cut and paste and send to Grandma, since your blog site must be threat to the empire, she can't access it from work, so when I see new pictures, I send them in a email to her.

Alice, you are beautiful,


Carrie said...

I love the first pick - (the "chubby arms" one) - it's like "yeah, here I am, chillin' with mom. . . hey - there's dad - I see you dad! I see you with that camera!" . . . . give her a big smooch from Auntie Carrie!!

Carrie said...

PS - since Alan commented on the post after this one - this pic - in the dress - I think Alice looks JUST like Jaime. :)