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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

July 4th & More

Hanging out with Daddy last week, out on the front porch.

Giving the step a try.

Sticks. This summer's hottest new toy.

Auntie Carrie stopped by after work and played with sticks too.

Alice enjoying herself at Plaster the Town.

Sure she can feed herself mashed potatoes. See?

Giving Icky some love.

Chilling on the 4th of July in Big Lake with Uncle Josh and cousin Zach.

Yup. She likes this whole "pool" thing.

Delicious "hose water."

In the big pool!

Zach, Alice and Jerome.

Mommy drying off the swimmer.

Jerome and rice-krispie bar.

Gettin' a hug from Zach.

Auntie Jenessa luvs Alice.

Suckin' on a Nerf dart, driving a pretend car. Perfect baby fun.


Carrie said...

Suckin on a Nerf dart, driving a baby car, right next to the NON-baby proof outlet! :)

Ahhh. . .sweet. :)

Great pics!

Grandpa Jerome said...

Alice, it looks like you had a great 4th of July, so did Grandma & Grandpa, we cooked ribs on the grill and went to a pool party. We did have a great time and it looks like you did as well.

We Love you and we Love your Mommy & Daddy and Auntie Carrie too.


Grandma said...

Happy 4th of July to all of you. What fun to spend it with family and/or friends!

Love to all,

Mama Kautz said...

I agree with auntie carrie the nerf dart scares me, the driving not so much LOL as always adorble pics of your baby girl