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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tooth and Stuff

We finally have a tooth! Alice's first tooth (bottom right) poked through her gums last Thursday. This would explain the crabbiness and continued clinginess. I was beginning to think we were going to have to have her fitted for baby dentures. ;)

Alice is getting more mobile by the day. She took her first unassisted step on Saturday (to Sara) and then did another the next day to try and get Nipsy. Nipsy was very relieved that she didn't make it too far, but she had better find a good hiding place soon.

Alice's other new trick: Drinking from a straw.

Playing with the magnets on the fridge (and the dust mop hanging next to the fridge)

Big smile

No Daddy, you can't see my tooth! No more pictures!

Alice trying to give Mae a hug. She is used to hugging the cats and gets a little aggressive.

Looking out the window with Ada and Mae

Let me out of here!

Rare not-in-the-car nap caught on film

Alice pulling ALL of Daddy's video games out the cabinet. You would think she would get sick of doing this after the third time in one day. You would be wrong.


Grandma said...

Isn't it fun, Jaime!?! You'll be trying to keep up to Alice for the next 18 years! :)

Don't forget to use the video camera to show us some of those steps.


Grandpa Jerome said...


Pull down Daddy's games, he always did stuff like that when he was your age, messing with someone else's stuff.

I Love You,


Carrie said...

LOVE the looking-out-the-window photo. . . print that! Blow it up to 5x7!! It's a scrapbook page WAITING to happen!!!

:) Alice, do you MISS ME??? I haven't seen you in over a WEEK!!!

Auntie Carrie